Summer Ghost Ongoing
Author: loundraw
Slice of Life
“Have you heard of Summer Ghost?“
Tomoya, Aoi, and Ryo are high school students who met through the Internet. The urban legend of the Summer Ghost is that it is a ghost of a young woman who appears...more
“Have you heard of Summer Ghost?“
Tomoya, Aoi, and Ryo are high school students who met through the Internet. The urban legend of the Summer Ghost is that it is a ghost of a young woman who appears when fireworks are lit.
Tomoya is unable to step out into the life he wants. Aoi is unable to find her place in the world. Ryo’s bright future is suddenly closed to him. Each of them has their own reasons for meeting the Summer Ghost. On a summer night when life and death intersect, where will each of their thoughts go to?
Original Web Manga
Pixiv releases
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