Kokoro Library Ongoing
Author: KURODA Yousuke TAKAGI Noboyuki
Kokoro is a girl that works with her two older sisters at a library with the same name at hers. The problem is that the library is far away from the nearast town so people seldom come to the library. ...more
VOL(9) Last Updated: Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.017 - 17 "Santa Clause Librarian" Santa Clause for Just One Night \ 18 "Prescription for Kisses" Good Luck Charm
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.015 - 15 "Bathroom Sisters" Together, Once in a While \ 16 "Books Are Traveling in the World" Books Takes People's Mind to Travel Around
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.013 - 13 "End of the Summer" A Tiny Display of Fireworks \ 14 "Give a Present to KOKORO" A Beautiful Picture
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.011 - 11 "Before Bathing in the Sea" A Pleasant Bath in the Sea \ 12 "An Invisible Guest" A Mysterious Guest
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.009 - 9 "Unconscious Kiss" There's a Limit to Being Half Asleep \ 10 "The Secret of ARUTO" What Aruto Does in Secret
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.007 - 7 "Kodak Moment" Scene in the Courtyard \ 8 "IINA's Room" Iina's Feeling
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.005 - 5 "KOKORO's Specialty" Rainbow \ 6 "Funcy Books & a Funcy Cat" The Thing Kokoro Wants the Most
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.003 - 3 "A Tea Break" Afternoon Black Tea, Fork and Iina \ 4 "Book Stair" Working Alone
Oct 18,2007
Vol.01 Ch.001 - 1 "A Librarian' KOKORO" The Little Librarian at the Little Library \ 2 "A Tragical Book" Together Forever
Oct 18,2007